• V-Label is a unique quality label that the European Vegetarian Union has awarded for more than three decades to various products made in accordance with vegan and vegetarian ethics and diet. The primary goal of the V-Label is to enable consumers to easily identify products without ingredients of animal origin. This label is intended primarily for vegans and vegetarians, but also for other people who for religious, ethical or health reasons, do not want to consume foods of animal origin.

    Companies that mark their products with V-Label, offer their consumers a transparent, controlled, verified and secure product, but they also point to the policies they pursue and represent in their business. V-Label not only guarantees that certain products do not contain ingredients of animal origin, but also confirms that the entire production process was carried out in accordance with vegan and vegetarian ethical principles, and that the labeled products have not been tested on animals.

    Today, V-Label is the most recognizable and represented vegan and vegetarian symbol worldwide, and currently marks more than 50,000 products worldwide. Ikea, DM, SPAR, Lidl, Rauch, Alpro, and Kaufland are just some of the companies that have marked their products with the V-Label. You can find out more about the V-Label here.

  • The reasons for labeling your products with V-label are multiple. Surveys conducted among consumers in the Eropean Union have shown that most of consumers prefer to choose a product marked with V-label, instead of independently checking the ingredients on the back. If your company is focused on exporting products to the EU market, V-labeled products can help EU consumers recognize and accept them more easily.

    Apart from the growing number of vegans and vegetarians, V-Label is also important for people who are intolerant to various ingredients of animal origin, or who for religious (fast), health or ethical reasons do not want to consume foods that contain such ingredients. Due to its unique procedure, verification and brand, V-Label is the only legitimate indicator that the product does not contain any ingredients of animal origin, and that it is produced in full compliance with vegan and vegetarian ethical principles. In addition to food items, V-label is also used on cosmetics and other type of products.

  • The Organisation for Animal Rights and the Environment EVA from Sarajevo is licensed and is the only one authorized to award the V-Label in the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The procedure for obtaining a V-Label consists of four relatively simple steps, starting with your application. Our team will do everything to make the next steps as easy as possible, so that you can get a V-label for your products as soon as possible.

    Regarding this, if you are interested in labeling your product with V-label, feel free to contact us in one of the following ways:

    Tel: +387 33 744 454

    Mob: +387 62 907 530

    e-mail: ecoveganimals@gmail.com

The V-label helps you identify vegan and vegetarian products and services. For consumers, it is a simple and reliable guide to help them during their day-to-day shopping and give them the clarity they need.
With the V-label, companies help promote transparency. Standardized criteria and inspections ensure that the V-Label is a unique seal of quality for vegan and vegetarian products and services across Europe.